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Umgestaltung bewohnte Immobilie
Die Kundin wollte sich endlich von ihren alten Möbeln trennen und hat uns daher mit der kompletten Umgestaltung ihres Wohnzimmers und des Eingangsbereiches beauftragt.
Beide Zimmer sehen nach der Umgestaltung deutlich größer und geordneter aus. Der Mix aus Grautönen und Holzelementen machen das Wohnzimmer ruhiger. Farbtupfer und Dekorationsartikel dienen als gezielte Hingucker!
More Details
This 2.5 room apartment is in a very good location and should have been sold, however, the desired offer price has not been reached by then.
The potential couldn’t become clear due to the worn and crammed
condition of the apartment and wasn’t appealing for potential customers.
Inhabited property in Düsseldorf-Unterbilk
This 2.5 room apartment is in a very good location and should have been sold, however, the desired offer price has not been reached by then.
The potential couldn’t become clear due to the worn and crammed
condition of the apartment and wasn’t appealing for potential customers.
The new coat of paint in the entire apartment and the
clearing out and depersonalization of the apartment created
a harmonious overall impression. The partial new furnishing of
modern and friendly furniture and accessories mixed with the existing furniture make the apartment appear in a much higher quality. Hence it is not a surprise that the apartment got sold quickly for the offered price.